The charity auction always takes up a lot of time before & after the event but it's always worth it when you see how much money was raised for our 3 main charities. If you haven't seen the results page yet please click the link in the yellow box top right corner of the home page.
I'm amazed how big this event is becoming. It attracts lots of the UK's finest breeders & I think is a fantastic day out & a chance to meet fellow fishkeepers & expert breeders alike.
Decapsulated Brine Shrimp now back in stock. This took a little time to get in due to processing at the facility. It's always hit & miss with this item which can come in with shell & rubbish. Thankfully after many years of working with this we have found some good people to deal with & this batch is very clean & shell free.
We have moved over 40 kg this week alone so it must be good to get these kind of repeat orders.
New Life Spectrum - At last the new range is in stock & cart buttons are now on the site. It's a really big range of products now but we are filling up with the range again so things will soon be back to the way it was before they moved premises.
Getting more work on the haulage side of the business which does cause a slight delay in posting in some cases due to early morning starts. Most orders are being sent by last post or next day.
This work brings in extra finance so we can bring in these expensive overseas imports & find new products for our customers.
Orders have been rising & new customers including Universities & professonal breeders have been placing orders.