Every year I say I will never shut down for a full week again & go off with the bucket & spade to Malta & every year I still do it. Coming back is always the same thing with loads of orders & correspondance to clear. This year was extremely busy & it took 2 days to clear all orders. As always all orders were in the post as fast as possible & this year all were away on Monday.
Orders on Monday were also heavy but will be in the post on Tuesday morning.
We try to work a 'just in time' policy of bringing in small quantities freshly made food & now many feeds are needing to be made up with our suppliers. A lot of food from all over the world will be coming in shortly.
The BCA will be holding a meeting & auction in Redditch (same venue as our charity auctions) on 26th September & we will have a stand there on the day to show our products off.