We receive a lot of orders from mainland EC countries & are keen to attract more. Postage is a little more than UK rates which the shopping cart adds to each order. In the past we asked customers from these countries to contact us for a postal amount. This was a hassle for our customers & caused us more time to work things out individually.
From now on all customers from European countries (classed as Europe by Royal Mail) can use the shopping cart buttons without contacting us. We are sure this will be better for our customers in Europe & hopefully attract more business.
The only restriction to this is the weight of the packet which must be a maximum of 2kg. This is because Air Mail postal rates rise dramatically over this.
The Babelfish online translator is very good. This is built into the site. If you want to see what the site looks like in Chinese or Russian have a play around with it.
Dainichi update - We have been exchanging e-mails & the USDA which approve goods for export to the EU are still dragging their feet with the permit. This time it's the krill ingredient. What is really crazy is the USDA have approved the source as fit for use.
The whole EC situation on fish feeds imported into the EC is getting a little crazy & this beaurocracy is going to get worse with new changes coming into force this April.
Dainichi are doing everything they can to renew their permit.
Meanwhile stocks of Cichlid foods are getting extremely low & most are now out. If you need these foods I would advise buying them up now.